Cloud Services

Our cloud offerings

SCloud services are designed to provide easy, scalable access to applications, resources and services, and are fully/partly managed by a cloud services provider. A common analogy to describe cloud computing is renting versus buying. Essentially, you rent capacity (server space or access to software) from a cloud service provider and connect over the internet. Instead of buying your own IT requirements, you are renting from a service provider, paying for only the resources you use.

Migration of existing system to cloud to reduce IT cost and scalability downtime and effort.

Re-platform some software and reduce cost on license and need of upgrade. New service on new technology, reduce cost/open source, automate process.

Software as a Service (SaaS),

Platform as a Service (PaaS),

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),

Easier to launch patches and updates,

Functions as a service (FaaS)

Reduced IT costs,


Business continuity

Collaboration efficiency

Flexibility of work practices

Access to automatic updates